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Glueless Wig: Brazilian Curly

Glueless Wig: Brazilian Curly

Regular price $275.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $275.00 USD
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Lace Size
Cap size

Each unit in the VanityWIGS Collection is carefully handcrafted with each strand attached to the lace base by hand. These unique units are complete with realistic edges and baby hairs included, allowing for a seamless hairline.

****PLEASE READ**** Depending  on the length  and  texture that  you request, some VanityWIGS need an additional 3-5 day processing time to ship. Some textures and lengths can ship same day.

 DENSITY: 140-160%

WEIGHT: 200-320 GRAMS (depending on length)

LUSTER: Low (non-shiny, natural sheen) 

TEXTURE FEEL: Medium Coarse

COLOR: Natural Black; 1B-2

To get the most out of your VanityWIG: 

Do not comb or brush your unit when wet. The lace base is fragile! Please handle your unit gently with care.

- Applying direct and ewcessive heat can cause baldness and shedding on your lace base. Be mindful when applying heat.

- Rotate your part. If you spent one week wearing a middle part, it will help to switch to a side part for another week. this minimzies wear and tear on your unit's fragile lace.

- Co-wash weekly. For best results, allow hair to air dry after washing

- Avoid excessive heat 

- Avoid use of heavy oils and excessive products that can weigh this hair down

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